Sieve script by domain & account

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Sieve script by domain & account

Post by Black20VT »


At the moment, if I want to make a change to a sieve script for all the accounts, I need to log into each account individually. On top of this, with the recent change implemented for users to be able to change their mailbox password, I don't necessarily know their passwords. Then if I want to make a change to their script, I need to ask them for their password and once complete, they'll have to change it again, so it's all very long winded.

It would be great if there was an option, as mail admin, to be able to implement domain wide scripts and per account scripts in one interface. I know it's complicated with thought required, but perhaps with check boxes for accounts for it to be implemented, or working on individual accounts without needing their own personal passwords.

I hope that makes sense, but I think it needs to be easier to amend sieve scripts per domain and account.

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Re: Sieve script by domain & account

Post by Seth »

We have to work within the constraints of the managesieve protocol (RFC5804) when dealing with the interface. Basically the way managesieve works is you log in to it, it returns a list of scripts on the account, and you work with one of those. There is include support for scripts, but only "global" and "personal" scripts. Personal is the same account, and global is a directory where we can make predefined scripts available. I don't believe either of those would do what you want.

I could probably add a "master password" for managesieve, and that would at least eliminate the password problem. I've been planning on adding login protocol restrictions anyway (i.e. disable POP3), so I'll look into it. I could also conceivably make some kind of interface that would let you batch upload a single script from a local file by looping through individual accounts using the master password.

Right now we're running the 1.1 branch. I'm planning an upgrade to 1.2 so we can do shared folders and ACL support, so that may open some new doors as well anyway.
Seth Mattinen, Roller Network LLC
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