Sending of CSV logs on a regular basis

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Sending of CSV logs on a regular basis

Post by darrenings »

I like being able to view the logs, but each time I'm surprised by the number of emails being rejected. I should look at the logs more often but forget until I'm advised by someone an email bounced.

Anyway, getting to the point, could I suggest having something whereby I can specify my search criteria and then have that search run monthly or weekly and email me the resulting CSV? Would save me having to login and check every month.

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Post by Seth »

It's in development. You can see a preview here:

You can define logs and parameters, but it won't actually execute the schedule yet. If you have any feedback let us know.
Seth Mattinen, Roller Network LLC
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:33 am

Re: Sending of CSV logs on a regular basis

Post by darrenings »

Did this ever make it into production?
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Re: Sending of CSV logs on a regular basis

Post by Seth »

Not yet. It hasn't been abandoned though.
Seth Mattinen, Roller Network LLC